Broadly speaking, travellers nowadays book through a trusted travel agent or figure it all out themselves online. Of course, there are many flavours in between these two but in general it is becoming much more challenging to find and speak to the right audience. Educating travel agents on your product, leaves a big group of potential business unaware of what you have to offer.
Focussing on branding your accommodation only, is also not going to give you the maximum output. A combination of representation (sales to travel agents) and having a brand ambassador will leave you with the highest return on investment and a clear advantage on your competition. You will no doubt be top-of-mind with the right audience!

Broadly speaking, travellers nowadays book through a trusted travel agent or figure it all out themselves online. Of course, there are many flavours in between these two but in general it is becoming much more challenging to find and speak to the right audience.
Identifying opportunities and market weakness
Focused on training and sales
Client events, presentations & workshops